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Hoop Habits COVID – 19 Pandemic Response Plan

Purpose and Scope

Hoop Habits is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees and athletes. Hoop Habits has developed the following COVID-19 pandemic response plan, which includes policies and procedures to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19, in accordance with the guidelines set forth by OSHA, the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health.

All employees and athletes are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this plan; Hoops Habits management will be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this Plan and the policies and practices contained herein.

Roles and Responsibilities

Hoop Habits’ goal is to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace(s). Managers as well as non-managerial employees and their representatives are all responsible for supporting, complying with, and providing recommendations to further improve this COVID-19 plan.

Hoops Habits Management will implement and monitors this COVID-19 plan. Hoop Habits will work cooperatively with non-managerial employees and their representatives to conduct a workplace-specific hazard assessment and in the development, implementation, and updating of this COVID-19 plan.

Exposure Control Plan

In order to mitigate against the transmission of COVID-19, employees and athletes are encouraged to follow the direction of their medical provider regarding any necessary vaccinations and will be required to self-monitor for any signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

The following policies and procedures are implemented to set forth employees and athletes’ obligations for reporting when they are sick or experiencing symptoms.

Illness Notification

If at any point you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive for COVID-19, you are required to promptly notify Hoops Habits’ management and follow any and all updated CDC COVID-19 protocols.

Cleaning and Disinfection

As necessary, Hoop Habits will implement policies and procedures for cleaning, disinfection, and hand hygiene, along with the other provisions required by OSHA’s COVID-19 ETS, as part of a multi-layered infection control approach. Hoop Habits and the COVID-19 Safety Coordinator(s) will work collaboratively with non-managerial employees and their representatives to implement cleaning, disinfection, and hand hygiene in the workplace.

As necessary, Hoop Habits will provide alcohol-based hand rub that is at least 60% alcohol or provide readily accessible hand washing facilities.

General Information and Requirements

Hoop Habits continuously monitor the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic for impacts on employees and athletes. Hoop Habits will follow the guidance and utilize the tool provided by the CDC to monitor COVID-19 community levels on an ongoing basis. The provides for the following levels based upon a number of factors: low, medium and high

  • Low: Wear a mask based on your personal preference, informed by your personal level of risk
  • Medium: If you are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe illness, talk to your healthcare provider about additional precautions, such as wearing a mask
  • High: Wear a well-fitting mask indoors in public, regardless of individual risk; if you are immunocompromised or at high risk of illness, wear a mask that provides you with greater protection; prevention strategies should be adjusted based on individual persons level of risk for severe illness or that of their household or social contacts

It is the responsibility of Hoops Habits employees, contractors, athletes, and other individuals entering the space to comply with this policy.

Signature and Plan Availability

Hoop Habits has prepared and issued this COVID-19 plan on February 15th, 2024.


Hoop Habits LLC


7407 Washington Ave S Edina, MN 55439


Anthony Tucker

This COVID-19 plan is available:

Via hard copy at Hoop Habits front desk. Available by request.